As an Experience Design Intern at WisdomTree Asset Management, I explored the best strategy to create an effective referrals and rewards program.  My findings will aid in the creation of the WisdomTree Prime app. 
gamification matters
Gamification adds game mechanics, where there is a continuous objective and reward. ​​​​​​​
Adding features of gamification increases user engagement and enjoyment.​​​​​​​
Using positive reinforcement through continuous reward programs makes the user more likely to return to the program.
Giving the users the ability to educate themselves on the app rather than googling the answers keeps them on the app more and creates a sense of value. 
Education, context, and paying attention to the needs of our target demographic would help us increase user engagement and promote brand advocacy while appealing to the preferences of our target audience. ​​​​​​​
Personas were created based on user research to better understand the target demographics.
research insights
Combining monetary incentives with gamification is the most effective rewards driver. Ultimately, gamification has a positive impact on the user experience. 
Who are our target demographics?
According to various sources, many Gen X-ers desire efficiency in the products they use, as they tend to prefer personal connections to digital stimulation. 
Psychologists define personality according to five different traits- Neuroticism (emotional stability), agreeableness (ability to get along with others), openness (creativity/openness to experiences), and conscientiousness (responsibility). The theory states that all people fall on a spectrum of these five traits and every characteristic, including interest in cryptocurrency, falls under one or more of these traits.

In terms of rewards, many millennials respond well to gamification features due to growing up in a digital environment. 

user journey
The user journey helps designers understand the thought processes of the target audiences as they go through an application.  
grayscale Wireframes
high-fidelity wireframes
These wireframes are a model of a happy flow, or best case scenario. Features of gamification are included, and content is geared towards the target demographics. 
Next Steps  
To take this project further, I would perform user testing (e.g. an A/B test or heat-mapping). 
Lessons Learned
I used my background in Psychology to keep a user-centered perspective through the duration of the project.